Job application torn up

Can you apply to the same company after being rejected? Absolutely. Follow these tips to make sure you land a job at...


new hire setting up her desk at her first job

The best first jobs are the ones that help us grow. The iHire team shares their first jobs and valuable lessons...


Networking event ice breakers

Networking can be awkward for anyone. Use these tips for networking events to break the ice naturally and...


Can I leave a job off my resume

Is leaving jobs off your resume a good strategy? What jobs should you not put on your resume? Get Certified Resume...


Group of professionals networking in an office conference room

Networking isn’t just for the outgoing – even the shyest job seeker can master the art of schmoozing by using these...


Person saying to to job offer

An employer rescinding your job offer can leave you in a tough position. Learn what your options are if this has...


Linkedin search

LinkedIn is a great tool for getting ahead in your job search. Here’s how to make your LinkedIn stand out.


Woman shaking interviewer's hand and smiling

To walk into your next interview with confidence, review some of the most common interview questions in our...


Find Your Niche Podcast - Chris Dyer

A job search can take a long time, and preparing for some bumps along the way is helpful. Lori Cole discusses the...


Woman putting interview on calendar and taking notes

Going through the interviewing process is an exciting and challenging time. Let’s look at a few practical interview...


5 Tips for Maximizing Recruiter Relationships

Working with recruiters can be a great way to give your job search a boost, but there are a few important points to...


Candidate looking nervous while interviewers review his resume

Years ago, before employers had more than enough applicants to choose from, an objective or goals statement


Informational interview with two people

These templates can help you craft the perfect message if you’re unsure how to ask for an informational interview.


Man meeting with career coach for help finding a job

Being unemployed can be a devastating blow to the ego, a strain on relationships, and a huge cause of stress. It's...


hiring manager looking at an applicant's list of job references

How should a job references page look? Learn how to create a list of job references or download a job references...


person writing a resume

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how to craft a professional resume that lands you your next job opportunity.


Find Your Niche: Aligning Your Passion With Your Career

Finding a fulfilling career is a game changer for job seekers looking for more than just a paycheck. Find Your...


employee and employer shaking hands

Learn how to find a great job in the U.S. through an H1B visa sponsorship.


Fighting Ageism in Your Job Search: Panel Discussion and Q&A [Premium Webinar]

Check out this expert panel discussion on fighting ageism in your job search to learn ways to combat age bias and...


premium webinar

Now that pandemic unemployment benefits have ended, you may be feeling the pressure to get a job quickly. Here are...


Showing 321 to 340 of 600 results